Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Remodeling update

Everyting in the house is covered with sheetrock and sanding dust but otherwise the repairs are progressing quite smoothly. The concrete board is down on the floor, the tiles have arrived, the countertops are ordered and the new cabinet has been installed.

Rex had to move one base cabinet 1/2" to the right to align it with the corner and to make room for the tile that is going on the walls beside the stove. He's nearly finished with the ceiling crack repairs and should be texturing it next week.

I bought the sink Friday (Note to self- where's the cutting board that is supposed to be included? Its not in the box.) and we took the page of sink cutout diagrams over to the place that is ordering our countertops. I gave the paper to the BSU to have the store make a copy while I went outside to supervise the tile loading. When that was done, I came back inside and asked for my instruction page back from the staff. The same fellow that had made the counter top templates took me back to his desk to get the paper and- surprise! The gal at the front desk had circled the WRONG picture on the page! We would have ended up with a 38" hole cut into out top where we needed to put a 33" sink!

I was so happy I doubled checked that little fact!

Still haven't purchased a sink but I think its going to be either this one, that I like best or this one, that the BSU prefers. We've got a week or so to decide before it is installation time.

I've finished the flowerbed out front. Both my buddy Loc and the BSU think its too full before the flowers even have a chance to grow but I like my flowerbeds full. It should help to keep the weeds and the cat out of there.

Today I need to mow and then I need to do some painting outside. I don't have much wood trim out there but it has been several years since it was painted and its looking pretty bad. And the worst part is just above the flowerbed I just planted! Now I need to figure out how to scrape and paint without getting paint chips all over my flowers or trampliing them to death!

Sooner or later, I'm hoping for a rest! I was supposed to go fishing with Carol's hubby, Dave this afternoon but he got tapped for CQ duty this weekend and so is sleeping his afternoon away. Maybe I'll take the BSU fishing later. We'll see.

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